Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Saw "The Horse Boy"

After a minor amount of research, I discovered that "The Horse Boy" was only presently scheduled in two places near me.

In Atlanta starting November 20. I thought about arranging a trip with my wife to the N. Georgia mountains and watching the movie on our way through ATL. However, when I contacted the movie theater to try and confirm they were going to have the movie, they said I needed to check on November 17 ... that would be the first day to confirm. Well, it is hard to arrange a get away to the mountains, which revolved around seeing this movie, if I was not 100% they would be showing it. Therefore, plan B ...

It was showing in Chattanoga starting last Friday the 18th till tomorrow. One week only! I desperately wanted my wife and I to make the 2 hour trek together and watch the movie. I thought 4 hours in the car together and nice dinner out, in addition to the movie, would be a nice way to spends some quality time together. Well, we could not go the 18th-20th and finding a weekday babysitter on short notice to stay 7-8 hours with three children is not exactly an easy thing to do.

Well, I was sitting in the office yesterday and finally decided that this movie may never show anywhere close by (it might show on pbs or something, but I did not want to count on that) and if I did not go yesterday, then I may never get a chance to see. I got tickets on fandango, jumped in the car and off I went.

I realized during my drive that I have not had a couple of hours to myself like that in a long time. I used to use alone time in the car as a way to escape and think. Yesterday was a nice little mental getaway.

Well I will have to be honest. I thought the movie would be fairly well attended, even at the 5:30 showing on a random Tuesday. It was me and a grandparent aged couple. That was it. I was surprised. I sure hope this movie was well attended during the other days and times. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Well, actually it is a documentary. It was not quite as emotional as I thought it might be. I was actually a little nervous about watching it and how I would feel. This whole autism adventure is crazy. As a fairly unemotional and level headed person, I have been awfully emotional and unlevel headed.

more later...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Moved to the verge of Tears

It has been quite a while since I found the combination of emotion, energy, time and topic to visit this blog. Mostly, I have been unable to find the energy. I assure you I have had the emotions and the topics. I have begun to trully understand the life I am now leading as the father of an autistic son. The number of things there are to do ... well ... are endless.

Trying to be a father, husband, business owner, employee, active christian, friend, community participant and simply trying to be a bread winner and rock for my family is taking its daily toll. There are endless books I should read, therapy sessions I should arrange, health insurance fights I should start, time I should spend with my oldest daughter, time I should spend with my middle daughter, time I should spend with my wife, time I should spend for myself, time I should spend with God and ... Oh Yea ... time I should spend with the one who needs my time the most ... Flynn!

I just finished reading a book today that I started about a week and a half ago. Like most good books I read, I usually kill myself the last 20% of the book and finish it in one day. Tonight was the conclusion to The Horse Boy by Rupert Isaacson. Spend money on this book. It was given to us by Tracy. Tracy bought 20 copies to give to people just like us.

Like the cover of the book states it is about "A Father's Quest to Heal His Son." I never cry. I did not cry reading this book. But, I welled up 20 or 30 times today completing this book. I am exhausted. There is a documentary that was made of their family journey to Mongolia to see where healing and horses come together at one place. The beginning of horses ... and where Shaman live. This man made me feel inadequate and empowered at the same time. I want to see this movie. The scenes he described in the book make me want to see it if for no other reason. The power behind the story makes it compelling to see. I wish and pray for this kind of future for my family, my son.

The website is